Don't you find some people who always look younger than the rest of their peer group? We all usually have that one friend whose mom looks younger than ours. When working, we even find people with less aging symptoms than ours. Secretly, they all make us jealous. Some of them might be blessed by the almighty and age late but, most of them have a secret. The secret that a dermatologist can let you in.
When we see fine lines, wrinkles and folds on our face, we get nervous and start using all the ways to stop it. Consult a doctor as they will help you understand why the skin ages. Our skin consists of fats that we better not loose. No, this is not the type of fat one wants to lose. The plump in the cheeks helps one look better. If one were to lose it, they would look saggy and weak. The area around our eyes consists of hyaluronic acid which contributes to keeping the skin healthy. HA is a vital part of the human body; it helps in transferring nutrients and acts like a moisturizer. It is present in high concentrations in the connective tissues and joints.
As we get older, the concentration of HA in our skin depletes making us look old. To reduce aging, the most efficient method is an injection of hyaluronic acid fillers. These fillers are even reversible. Rejuvenating the skin, it makes one look more youthful by helping the skin in regaining its elasticity. Over the decade many new Hyaluronic acid fillers have been introduced which are notably used in the United States today. These include Juvederm XC, Perlane, Prevelle Silk, and Captique.
Hyaluronic acid based fillers are used worldwide to rejuvenate the skin. The treatment does not include any long, complicated process. The process is quite simple. The patient sits comfortably on a chair, while the doctor prepares for the injection. The patient is given a mild anesthetic to ease the process. Then, the filler you have chosen is injected carefully in the selected area on your face. It does not take too long to do so. The whole process is complete within an hour or two.
The doctor also massages the injected area to ease the filler into the skin. As HA is formed naturally in our skin, the filler does not cause any harm, but the consequences may vary with an individual and skin type. As soon as the procedure is done, the patient is allowed to leave with little don't dos.
Most of us are very scared when it comes to using chemical injections or fillers on our body. Unlike plastic surgery, the most beneficial factor of these Hyaluronic acid fillers is that it is reversible. There are various skin types and different hyaluronic acid fillers to suit our skin. When is the time to use these fillers is the most critical question? The following aging symptoms could lead you to use it;
Forehead lines- the horizontal lines present on your forehead make you look serious and old.
Often people are looking for various methods to stop aging. They try to avoid chemical substances because they cause harm to the skin in the long term and may even cause severe allergies or after-effects. The hyaluronic acid filler effects are from little to none.
Unlike any other plastic surgery or skin cream, the hyaluronic acid fillers are not expensive. These come at reasonable prices. Yes, they are not that cheap but have to give longer results with much less harmful effects or consequences. These fillers may last from 3 months to a whole year, depending on the type of dose you have taken. Moreover, many doctors offer various payment plans to reduce the burden on your shoulders.
The creams you use to stop aging or rewinding the process of aging are very slow and sometimes show no signs of effect. Using a much faster means of an anti-ageing product would cause a sweat run down your forehead. These faster products are surgeries or botox. Using a chemically synthesized product can harm your skin and cause irritation or allergies too. For such queries, fillers are the perfect rescue squad. Some benefits of hyaluronic acid fillers are: