Hyaluronic Acid is a very useful cosmetic ingredient. Chemically Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide chain. It occurs naturally in the body as a skin replenishing chemical. It acts as a lubricator for joints and ensures their smooth functioning and movement. It is found in between joints, in eyelids and the tissues of the skin.
Due to its numerous benefits, hyaluronic acid is used intravenously and otherwise. Hyaluronic acid is used as a serum, pills, and cream. The hyaluronic acid serum is used as an anti-aging product. Hyaluronic acid serum provides hydration and as a result, it reduces wrinkles. The best part is that the serum can be easily prepared at home too. The process is simple. The ingredients required to make the serum are: 1 gram of hyaluronic acid powder, you can easily buy it from your nearest chemist or drugstore, cold water, it should be distilled and cold, about a half tablespoon of glycerin, a bag of green tea, a container to mix the material and lavender oil.
Steep the bag of green tea in 0.5 oz of hot distilled water. Let it cool down; it can be kept in the freezer for quick results. Remove the tea bag from the solution and add the hyaluronic acid powder to it (1 gram). Initially, chunks may appear, mix it well and stir continuously. After this add glycerin (half tablespoon) and three drops of lavender oil to it. Pour the solution in a bottle, cap it and then shake it thoroughly. Place it in the refrigerator so that the solution gels. The gel will almost last a month, and it has to be stored in a refrigerator. You can always buy a bottle from the market if the process is too cumbersome for you.
Commercially, hyaluronic acid serum is prepared on the microbic level. The acid is a polymer composed of glucosamine and glucuronic acid. Both of them disaccharides, their repeated chain forms hyaluronic acid. The polymer is linear in nature. Earlier hyaluronic acid was extracted from combs of a rooster. Now it is produced by fermentation of a bacteria called Streptococcus Zooepidemicus. The acid produced by this method is environment-friendly and cheaper as well, a few years back the production of the acid via recombinant system had gained popularity amongst chemists, cosmeticians, and nutraceuticals. A variant of hyaluronic acid is found in every vertebrate. It is known as hyaluron. The concentration of hyaluron is quite high in some tissues. The highest amount of hyluronic acid's variant, hyaluron, is found in the umbilical cord and synovial fluid in human beings.
To increase the amount of production of hyaluronic acid in your body food rich in magnesium should be consumed. Magnesium (Mg) is used in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in our bodies. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, green lettuce and beans, spinach, soy, carrot, potatoes, and avocados should be taken.
There are two methods of application:
In some cases, customers have complained about drying of skin after the application of hyaluronic acid serum. If you notice any such thing, then reduce the application of the serum. It can be used twice a week. A thick layer of moisturizer can be applied after the application of serum.
Sodium Hyaluronate is derived from hyaluronic acid. Some cosmetic products use sodium hyaluronate instead of hyaluronic acid. Researchers have found that the size of sodium hyaluronate is smaller than hyaluronic acid. The reduction in size ensures deeper penetration of the molecule and hence more visible effect due to skin deep action.
Often people use vitamin C serums along with hyaluronic acid serum, the order of applying any cosmetic product is simple. Follow the rule of thinnest to thickest, i.e., apply a less viscous product before and more viscous product later. So, first, you have to apply a layer of your vitamin C serum which is thinner and then the hyaluronic acid serum. A thing to be kept in mind while using the two together is the stability of both the products. The vitamin C serum that is used should be stable enough to resist air and destability. After application of both the serums, you can apply moisturizer if you feel the need. It is preferred to apply the vitamin C serum when your face is a little damp.