The human body produces its own hyaluronic acid that helps it to carry on with its basic functions and get through the daily routine. Its highest concentrations are found in the eyes, joints, and skin. Our body has an average of 15 grams of hyaluronic acid and one-third of it is synthesized and degraded every day. However, with the passing of age, as the other functions of the body slow down, the production of the acid also comes to a standstill, which causes problems as the functions that hyaluronic acid liquid was previously performing can no longer be performed. Sometimes, other causes, like trauma related to sports, hereditary issues and accidents can also lead to a deficiency of hyaluronic acid liquid in the body. In such cases, the acid must be replaced in the body in its purest possible form.
Hyaluronic acid liquid provides the lubrication that our joints need to function. It is highly useful for the soft tissues. When there is a deficiency of the acid, it leads to diseases like osteoarthritis (sports persons are highly likely to develop the disease in later years of their lives), restriction in movement and the excruciating pain that follows. In such cases, hyaluronic acid is given to the patient either orally through tablets or gummies, or hyaluronic acid liquid is injected directly into the affected area. This treatment continues for three to five weeks, where the patient is injected with hyaluronic acid liquid once each week.
Albeit it shows results for up to a year, it may take a few days to show results as the body adapts to the medicine, which will lead to redness and pain in the injected area. Complete symptoms of hyaluronic acid liquid have not as yet been studied, so it may react differently with different bodies, in the case of which doctors should be immediately informed. In worst case scenarios, hyaluronic acid liquid shows no result at all, leading to a waste of time, money and energy. Even when it does have effects, sometimes it provides only moderate relief, and which is also complicated as the hyaluronic acid liquid is known to delay the effects of stiffness in joints, and pain relief, its long-term effects are not known as yet.
However, it is known to influence the way our body reacts to different injuries.
Hyaluronic acid is one of those trendy skin care ingredients that have earned their reputation.
Hyaluronic acid liquid is added to beauty products, where it functions as moisturizers. It revitalizes skin, as with age, the skin, among other things, also loses its moisture, resulting in loss of suppleness and firmness. Hyaluronic acid leaves with regular use a hydrated, glowing appearance. It provides our skin with anti-oxidant defense and it also revives the skin from the loss it suffers due to the harsh UVB rays of the sun and the harmful ingredients in the various skin products .
Unfortunately, in very dry climates, a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid liquid can lead to a double loss, as hyaluronic acid will pull moisture towards it. If it does not get it from the environment, it will draw moisture from the deeper layers of the skin, leading to more dryness. However, this will not be much of a problem for people with dry skins.
Because the name hyaluronic acid is so popular, companies state that they are also useful in fighting signs of aging, but the truth is that although hyaluronic acid liquid’s molecules love water and hold a significant quantity (a gram of hyaluronic acid holds up to six liters of water) of it, they are too huge to penetrate the many layers of the skin. It is useful in healing skin ulcers, burns, wounds, and of course, dryness. It is also useful in cases of mouth sores.
Here, dermatologists recommend hyaluronic acid liquid in injections to be injected directly into the face, which increase the skin’s concentration of hyaluronic acid, which is essentially what fights the wrinkles that appear with age. These injections are also used as lip fillers and in many other forms of plastic surgery. Since the injections penetrate straight to the deeper layers of skin, the penetration of molecules is no longer an issue. The effects last up to a year.
Hyaluronic acid liquid is also frequently called the “fountain of youth.” When hyaluronic acid is being used to apply on the skin, it is preferable if it is extracted from a vegan source. Also, hyaluronic acid liquid serums that have preservatives or alcohol should be avoided, and the ones that state that they are ‘pure hyaluronic acid serums,' are highly likely to contain alcohol.
Hyaluronic acid liquid works as a shock absorber and lubricant that is responsible for keeping the shape of our eyes intact so that we can see optimally. Imagine taking a run barefoot. The shock that it gives to our feet that travels to the rest of our body is much easier to absorb if we wear shoes that provide a cushioning and stabilizes every next step. Similarly, the hyaluronic acid liquid in our eyes stabilizes our vision and works as a shock absorber in order to protect the eye’s delicate tissues.
Similar to what it does for our joints, hyaluronic acid liquid in our eyes works as a medium, through which nutrients are transported. During cataract surgeries, physicians inject hyaluronic acid liquid into the eye. The liquid, when used as drop is also useful in cases of dry eye, as the liquid in our eye is mainly hyaluronic acid liquid. It is also useful in cases of a detached retina and other eye injuries.
Pregnant are strictly forbidden from taking hyaluronic acid. Although injections are probably safe for them (there is very little surety), the effects of hyaluronic acid taken orally or applied on the skin are not as yet known. When it comes to nursing women, the injections may or may not leave its effects on the breast milk; the result has not been studied in much detail. Applying it on skin or taking it orally during breastfeeding is also not advised, due to its unpredictable nature.